胡俊伟 讲师










2020.09--2024.03  武汉科技大学信息科学与工程学院,博士研究生

2017.09--2020.06  888集团官网数学与统计学院,硕士研究生



1、国家自然科学基金:基于多阶段退化特征的滚动轴承的智能自适应剩余寿命预测研究(No. 618731972019-2022)(参与)

2、国家自然科学基金:基于饱和约束的网络化多自主体系统一致性及能耗优化问题研究(No. 621731302022-2025)(参与)

3、复杂网络环境下的跟踪控制系统设计. 2017年888集团官网创新科研基金(学生)(主持)




 1、Junwei Hu, Weigang Li*, Yong Zhang*, Zhiqiang Tian. Cross-domain few-shot fault diagnosis based on meta-learning and domain adversarial graph convolutional network[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2024, 136: 108970. (中科院二区TOP, IF:7.5)

2、Junwei Hu*, Chao Xie. Semi-supervised adaptive anti-noise meta-learning for few-shot ndustrial gearbox fault diagnosis. Measurement Science and Technology, 2024, 35(11):116104. (SCI三区, IF: 2.4)

3、Junwei Hu, Yong Zhang*, Weigang Li*, Xiujuan Zheng, Zhiqiang Tian. Trustworthy artificial intelligence based on an explicable temporal feature network for industrial fault diagnosis[J]. Cognitive Computation, 2024, 16: 534-545. (SCI二区, IF: 5.4)

4、Junwei Hu, Weigang Li*, Ailong Wu, Zhiqiang Tian. Novel joint transfer fine-grained metric network for cross-domain few-shot fault diagnosis[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023, 279: 110958. (SCI一区TOP期刊,IF: 8.8)

5、Junwei Hu, Weigang Li*, Xiujuan Zheng, Zhiqiang Tian, Yong Zhang*. Prior knowledge-based residuals shrinkage prototype networks for cross-domain fault diagnosis[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2023, 34:105011. (SCI三区, IF: 2.4)

6、Junwei Hu*, Xisheng Zhan, Xiaowei Jiang, Huaicheng Yan. Tracking performance for NCSs with multi-communication constraints[J]. ISA transactions, 2023, 134: 409-416. (SCI二区 TOP期刊,IF: 7.3)

7、Xisheng Zhan, Junwei Hu, Wu Jie*, Huaicheng Yan. Performance analysis method for NCSs with coding and quantization constraints[J]. ISA transactions, 2020, 107: 287-293. (SCI二区 TOP期刊)

8、Junwei Hu, Xisheng Zhan*, Wu Jie, Huaicheng Yan. Analysis of optimal performance of MIMO networked control systems with encoding and packet dropout constraints[J]. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2020, 14(13): 1762-1768. (SCI二区)

9、Junwei Hu, Xisheng Zhan*, Wu Jie, Huaicheng Yan. Optimal tracking performance of NCSs with time-delay and encoding-decoding constraints[J]. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2020, 18: 1012-1022. (SCI三区)

10、 胡俊伟*,姜晓伟,张先鹤,严怀成. 单输入多输出系统最优跟踪误差估计[J888集团官网学报(自然科学版)2019, 39(1): 39-45.

11、Zhiqiang Tian, Weigang Li*, Junwei Hu, Chunhua Deng. Joint graph entropy knowledge distillation for point cloud classification and robustness against corruptions[J]. Information Sciences, 2023, 648: 119542. (SCI一区TOP期刊,IF: 8.1)

12、Songtao Li, Weigang Li*, Junwei Hu, Yang Li. Semi-supervised bi-orthogonal constraints dual-graph regularized NMF for subspace clustering[J]. Applied Intelligence, 2022, 52(3): 3227-3248. (SCI二区, IF: 5.3)

13、Yuan Dai, Yanghui Ou, Junwei Hu, Zuowei Ping, Xinghua Xu*, Yong Zhang. Few-shot gearbox fault diagnosed based on meta-learning and time convolution network[C]//2022 China Automation Congress (CAC). IEEE, 2022: 3341-3346.

14、 Xiaowei Jiang*, Xiangyong Chen*, Junwei Hu , Huaicheng Yan, Ming-feng Ge. On the achievable tracking performance of NCSs over SNR limited channels[J]. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2019, 356(6): 3353-3367. (SCI二区)


1、袁烨, 张永, 胡俊伟, 何心, 周炜. 基于深度残差收缩原型网络的元学习故障诊断方法及装置,中国,申请号:2022115390673(发明专利,实审)


1、2020  疫情防控工作下沉党员干部考核鉴定优秀、888集团官网优秀毕业研究生

2、2019  888集团官网党员管理服务先锋之星、支部党员民主评议优秀党员

3、2018  888集团官网支部党员民主评议优秀党员

4、2017  888集团官网年度综合考核优秀

5、2015  888集团官网年度综合考核优秀

6、2014--2015  888集团官网工会积极分子