2013.09--2017.06 华中农业大学农业机械化及其自动化 学士
2017.09--2022.06 浙江大学农业机械化工程 博士
2023.05--至今 welcome888集团电子 讲师
Z. Feng(冯喆), S. Ji, J. Ping, D. Cui*. Recent advances in metabolomics for studying heavy metal stress in plants. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 143: 116402. (SCI源刊, 1区)
Z. Feng(冯喆), C. Ding, D. Wang, W. Li, D. Cui*. Applications of metabolomics in the research of soybean plant under abiotic stress, Food Chemistry, 2020, 310: 125914.(SCI源刊,1区)
Z. Feng(冯喆), S. Ji, D. Cui*. Integration of the Metabolomic and Transcriptome Analysis Reveals the Remarkable Compounds of G. bicolor Young and Mature Leaves under Different Iron Nutrient Conditions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(3): 1160. (SCI源刊,2区)
Feng Z(冯喆), Li W H, Cui D*. Detection of endogenous foreign bodies in Chinese hickory nuts by hyperspectral spectral imaging at the pixel level. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2022; 15(2): 204–210.(SCI源刊,2区)
冯喆, 李卫豪, 崔笛*.基于高光谱成像和深度学习的山核桃内源性异物检测[J].农业机械学报, 2021, 52(S1): 466-471. (EI源刊)
Z. Feng(冯喆), C. Ding, W. Li, D. Cui*. Detection of blood spots in eggs by hyperspectral transmittance imaging, Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2019; 12 (6): 209-214.(SCI源刊,2区)
C. Ding, Z. Feng(冯喆), D. Wang, D. Cui*, W. Li. Acoustic vibration technology: Toward a promising fruit quality detection method. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food safety, 2021, 20(2):1655-1680.(SCI源刊, 1区)