2006.07--2013.03 湖北师范学院助教,讲师
2008.09--2012.06 华中科技大学自动化学院博士
2013.06—2018.12 湖北师范学院副教授(破格)
2013.04--2015.04 华中科技大学电信学院博士后
2007.09--2015.03 湖北师范学院机电与控制工程学院电气工程系主任
2015.03—2019.04 888集团官网机电与控制工程学院副院长
2019.01--至 今 888集团官网 教授
2019.04--2020.10 888集团官网机电与控制工程学院院长
2020.10--至 今 welcome888集团电子院长
1. 不完全信息下无线网络化系统性能分析与安全控制,国家自然科学基金项目(62072164),2020年(项目负责人) 67万 在研
2. 人机协作型多机器人系统研究平台建设,湖北省科技厅项目(2019ZYYD021),2019年(项目负责人) 50万
3. 通信受限下网络化控制系统性能极限与优化设计,湖北省杰出青年基金项目(2017CFA034),2017年(项目负责人) 20万
4. 网络化控制系统关键技术研究,湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队(T201710),2017年(项目负责人) 20万
5. 基于QoP与QoS融合的通信网络系统优化设计,国家自然科学基金项目(61471163),2014年(项目负责人) 80万 结题
6. 多变量多通道网络化系统性能极限与优化设计,国家自然科学基金项目(61100076),2011年(项目负责人) 23万 结题
7. 基于物联网的复杂多智能体网络自主动力学优化算法研究, 湖北省自然科学基金项目(2014CFC1105), 2014年(项目负责人) 3万 结题
8. 网络环境下控制系统的性能分析与优化设计,中国博士后基金(2013M540581),(项目负责人)8万 结题
9. 无线通信网络系统的性能分析与优化设计,湖北省教育厅重点项目(D20152502),2015年,(项目负责人) 4万 结题
10. 发酵室温度新型控制器设计及应用,黄石市科技局项目,2010年,(项目负责人)3万 结题
1. Du X, Zhan X S (詹习生, 通信作者), Wu J, Yan H. Performance analysis of MIMO information time delay system under bandwidth cyber-attack and gaussian white noise. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022, doi:10.1109/TSMC.2022.3211620 (SCI源刊,中科院1区 TOP期刊)
2. Zhang X, Wu J, Zhan X S (詹习生, 通信作者), Han T, Yan H. Observer-based adaptive time-varying formation-containment tracking for multi-agent system with bounded unknown input. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems,2022,doi:10.1109/TSMC.2022. 3199410 (SCI源刊,中科院1区 TOP期刊)
3. Du X, Zhan X S (詹习生, 通信作者), Wu J, Yan H. Effects of two-channel noise and packet loss on performance of information time delay systems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2022.3230648 (SCI源刊,中科院1区 TOP期刊)
4. Liu Z, Zhan X S (詹习生, 通信作者), Han T, Yan H. Distributed adaptive finite-time bipartite containment control of linear multi-agent systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems--II: Express Briefs, 2022, 69(11): 4354-4358 (SCI源刊,中科院2区)
5. Zhan H, Wu J, Zhan X S (詹习生, 通信作者), Han T, Yan H. Fixed-time bipartite containment control of high-order multi-agent systems in the signed graph. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems--II: Express Briefs, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TCSII.2022.3219545 (SCI源刊,中科院2区)
6. Zhan X S (詹习生), Hao L L, Han T, Yan H C. Adaptive bipartite output consensus for heterogeneous multi-agent systems with quantized information: A fixed-time approach. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2021, 358(14):7221-7236. (SCI源刊,中科院2区TOP期刊)
7. Zhan X S (詹习生), Hu J W, Wu J, Yan H C. Performance analysis method for NCSs with coding and quantization constraints. ISA Transactions, 2020, 107(12): 287-293(SCI源刊,中科院2区TOP期刊)
8. Hu J W, Zhan X S (詹习生, 通信作者), Wu J. Analysis of optimal performance of MIMO networked control systems with encoding and packet dropout constraints. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2020,14(13): 1762-1768. (SCI源刊,中科院2区TOP期刊)
9. Hao L L, Zhan X S (詹习生, 通信作者), Wu J, Yan H C. Fixed-time group consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems via pinning control. International Journal of Control Automation and Systems, 2021, 19 (2) :200-2008. (SCI源刊,中科院3区)
10. Hu X, Zhan X S (詹习生, 通信作者), Wu J, Yan H C. Performance limits of network delay systems based on bandwidth and packet loss constraints. Asian Journal of Control, 2022, 24(6): 3466-3474 (SCI源刊,中科院3区)
11. Zhan X S (詹习生), Hu J W, Wu J, Yan H C.Performance analysis method for NCSs with coding and quantization constraints.ISA Transactions, 2020, 107(12): 287-293 (SCI源刊,中科院2区)
12. Hu J W, Zhan X S (詹习生, 通信作者), Wu J, Yan H C. Optimal tracking performance of ncss with time-delay and encoding-decoding constraints. International Journal of Control Automation and Systems, 2020, 18 (4) : 1012-1022. (SCI源刊,中科院3区)
13. Zhan X S (詹习生), Zhang W H, Wu J and Yan H. Performance analysis of NCSs under channel noise and bandwidth constraints. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 20279-20288. (SCI源刊,中科院2区)
14. Hu X, Zhan X S (詹习生), Wu J and Yan H. Performance of SIMO networked time-delay systems with encoding-decoding and quantization constraints. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 55125-55134. (SCI源刊,中科院2区)
15. Zhan X S (詹习生), Cheng L L, Wu J, Modified tracking performance limitation of networked time-delay systems with two-channel constraints, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2019, 356(12):6401-6418. (SCI源刊,中科院2区)
16. Zhan X S (詹习生), Cheng L L, Wu J, Yang Q S.Optimal modified performance of MIMO networked control systems with multi-parameter constraints.ISA Transactions, 2019, 84(1): 111-117.(SCI源刊,中科院2区)
17. Zhan X S (詹习生), Sun X X, Wu J, Han T. Optimal modified tracking performance for networked control systems with QoS constraint. ISA Transactions, 2016,65:109-115 (SCI源刊,中科院2区)
18. Zhan X S (詹习生), Wu J, Jiang T, Jiang X W. Optimal performance of networked control systems under the packet dropouts and channel noise. ISA Transactions, 2015, 58(5):214-221.(SCI源刊,中科院2区)
19. Zhan X S (詹习生), Sun X X, Li T, Wu J, Jiang X W. Optimal performance of networked control systems with bandwidth and coding constraints. ISA Transactions, 2015, 59(6):172-179. (SCI源刊,中科院2区)
20. Zhan X S (詹习生), Guan Z H, Zhang X H, Yuan F S. Optimal tracking performance and design of networked control systems with packet dropout. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 2013, 350(10):3205-3216. (SCI源刊,中科院2区)
21. L L Cheng, X S Zhan(通信作者), J Wu . An optimal tracking performance of MIMO networked control systems with quantization and bandwidth constraints. Asian Journal of Control, 2019, 21(3):1377-1388(SCI源刊,中科院3区)
22. Zhan X S (詹习生), Zhou Z J, Wu J, Han T. Optimal modified tracking performance of time-delay systems with packet dropouts constraint. Asian Journal of control, 2017, 18(4):1508-1518. (SCI源刊,中科院3区)
23. Zhan X S (詹习生), Guan Z H, Jiang T. Performance limitation of networked systems with network-induced delay and packet-dropout constraints. Asian Journal of Control,2015, 17(6):2452-2459. (SCI源刊,中科院3区)
24. Zhan X S (詹习生), Guan Z H, Zhang X H, Yuan F S. Best tracking performance of networked control systems based on communication constraints. Asian Journal of Control. 2014, 16(4): 1155-1163.(SCI源刊,中科院3区)
25. Zhan X S (詹习生), Guan Z H, Zhang X H, Yuan F S. Optimal tracking performance of MIMO control systems with communication constraints and a code scheme.International Journal of Systems Science, 2015, 46(3):464-473. (SCI源刊,中科院3区)
26. Zhan X S (詹习生), Guan Z H, Zhang X H, Yuan F S. Optimal performance of networked control systems over limited communication channels. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2014, 36(5): 637- 643. (SCI源刊,中科院4区)
27. Zhan X S (詹习生), Guan Z H. Optimal performance of SISO discrete-time systems based on network-induced delay. European Journal of Control. 2013, 19(1):37-41. (SCI源刊,中科院4区)
28. Wu Jie,Zhan X S (通信作者), Zhang Xianhe, Han Tao. Performance limitation of networked systems with controller and communication filter co-design. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2018, 40(4): 1167-1176. (SCI源刊,中科院4区)
29. Jiang X W, Zhan X S (通信作者), Jiang Bo. Stability and Neimark-Sacker bifurcation analysis for a discrete single genetic negative feedback autoregulatory system with delay, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 76(5): 1031-1039. (SCI源刊,中科院2区)
30. Wu J, Sun X X, Zhan X S(通信作者), Han T. Optimal tracking performance for networked control systems with quantization. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2017,354(1):215-232。(SCI源刊,中科院2区)
31. Wu J, Zhou Z J, Zhan X S(通信作者), Yan H C, Ge M F. Optimal modified tracking performance for MIMO networked control systems with communication constraints. ISA Transactions, 2017, 68(3):14-21. (SCI源刊,中科院2区)
32. Wu J, Zhan X S(通信作者),Zhang X H, Jiang T, Han T. Optimal tracking performance of networked control systems with communication delays under channel input power constraint. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2017,39(9):1346–1354. (SCI源刊,中科院4区)
33. Zhan X S (詹习生), Guan Z H, Liao R Q, Yuan F S. Optimal performance in tracking stochastic signal under disturbance rejection. Asian Journal of Control. 2012, 14(6): 1608–1616.(SCI源刊,中科院3区)
34. Guan Z H, Zhan X S (詹习生), Feng G. Optimal tracking performance of MIMO discrete-time systems with communication constraints. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 2012, 22(13):1429-1439. (SCI源刊,中科院3区)导师第一作者
35. Wu J, Zhan X S (通信作者), Zhang X H, Gao H L. Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis on a numerical discretization of distributed delay equation. ChinesePhysics Letters, 2012,29(5):0502031-4 (SCI源刊,中科院4区)
36. Sun F L, Guan Z H, Zhan X S (通信作者), Yuan F S. Consensus of second-order and high-order discrete-time multi-agent systems with random networks. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. 2012, 13(5):1979-1990.(SCI源刊,中科院1区)
37. Sun X X, Wu J, Zhan X S(詹习生), Han T. Optimal modified tracking performance for MIMO systems under bandwidth constraint. ISA Transactions, 2016, 62(6):145-153 (SCI源刊,中科院2区)
38. Cai X S, Lin C, Liu L P, Zhan X S(詹习生). Inverse optimal control for strict-feedforward nonlinear systems with input delays. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2018, 28(8): 2976-2995. (SCI源刊,中科院2区)
39. Yan H C, Zhang H, Yang F W, Zhan X S(詹习生), Peng C. Distributed H∞ state estimation for a class of filtering networks with time-varying switching topologies and packet losses. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2018, 48(12): 2047-2057. (SCI源刊,中科院1区)
40. Yan H C, Zhang H, Yang F W, Zhan X S(詹习生). Event-triggered asynchronous guaranteed cost control for markov jump discrete-time neural networks with distributed delay and channel fading. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2018, 29(8): 3588 - 3598. (SCI源刊,中科院1区)
41. 詹习生, 关治洪, 吴杰, 张先鹤, 吴博. 多通道网络化系统跟踪性能极限. 控制理论及应用,2013, 30(4):503-507.(EI源刊)
42. 詹习生, 吴杰, 关治洪, 姜晓伟. 基于丢包和带宽限制网络化系统稳定性分析. 控制理论及应用, 2014, 31(8): 1111-1115. (EI源刊)
吴杰,詹习生,韩涛,徐小林。一种基于机器视觉的自动化包装方法及系统。国家发明专利, 专利申请号: 201911326015.6
高红亮,詹习生,朱军,杨青胜,肖凌俊,徐丰。一种励磁控制器控制方法及系统。国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL202010540779.1
徐丰,詹习生、姜晓伟、许子文。一种清扫拖洗一体车。国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL201710107329.1
高红亮,靖泽坤,詹习生,夏远庚,何永琪,朱军,吴杰。一种移动小车循迹控制方法及系统。国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL201811115821.4,授权日期:2019/10/1
高红亮,吴延,詹习生,夏远庚,何永琪。一种节能电磁导航智能车、控制系统及控制方法。国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL20181118427.0,授权日期:2019/12/13
徐丰,詹习生,高红亮,杨青胜,刘路路。一种高压线路检测设备的连接装置。国家实用新型专利, ZL201721424725.9 2019/8/30
汪玲彦,詹习生,吴杰。一种基于ZigBee技术的红绿灯控制系统。国家实用新型专利, ZL201920674078.X 2019/10/10
黄贞辉,涂建,姚婷,杨锦园,詹习生,高红亮,。一种恒温控制电路以及恒温箱。国家实用新型专利, ZL201920315920.0 2019/10/18
高红亮,詹习生,朱军,刘晨,徐丰,万里光。一种用于立体车库的防滑装置。国家实用新型专利, ZL201821399955.9 2019/4/5
高红亮,程城,詹习生,杨青胜。一种地下电力管线保护装置。国家实用新型专利, ZL201821156193.X 2019/1/4
韩涛, 詹习生, 张先鹤等. 一种基于单目摄像头的手势凸包检测与掌心定位方法. 国家发明专利, 专利申请号: 201510534519.2
詹习生,吴杰,张先鹤,吴博等。一种基建配套通信工程全过程监控系统。国家发明专利, 专利申请号: CN201810044147.9
詹习生,吴杰,张先鹤,万里光等。一种高效率的通信信息处理方法. 国家发明专利, 专利申请号: 201711044380.9
詹习生,吴杰,韩涛,杨青胜等。一种多无人机系统分布式协同控制软件。国家软件著作权, 登记号: 2018SR617114
詹习生,吴杰,韩涛,杨青胜,高红亮等。异构多机器人协同编队围捕控制软件。国家软件著作权, 登记号: 2018SR675311
张先鹤,詹习生,吴杰,杨青胜等。一种新型自动化降温系统。国家发明专利, 专利申请号: 2018100439411
吴杰,詹习生,张先鹤,万里光等。一种新型通信工程分布式节电装置。国家实用新型专利, ZL201721424725.9 2018.5,
徐丰,詹习生,姜晓伟,吴博,高红亮,线缆支撑装置。2016.9.1,国家实用新型专利,ZL20152 0554508.0
徐丰,范学群,詹习生,姜晓伟,吴博,大吨位线缆转运车支撑装置。2016.8.1,国家实用新型专利,ZL 201630207466.9
朱军,张先鹤,詹习生, 高红亮,一种异步电动机轴承损伤监测系统。2015.11.18,国家实用新型专利,ZL201520552880.3
杨青胜,张先鹤,詹习生,吴杰,一种可调式高效太阳能板发电装置。2016.6.8,国家实用新型专利,ZL 2016 2 0030110.7
徐丰,詹习生、吴博、杨青胜、万里光。一种自动取茶装置。国家实用新型专利,ZL 201621418046.6
徐丰,詹习生、杨青胜、范学群。一种自卸式运货推车底座。国家实用新型专利,ZL 201621362663.9
徐丰,詹习生、姜晓伟、许子文。一种清扫拖洗一体车。国家实用新型专利,ZL 201720177585.3
周悼迪,徐丰,詹习生,王佳佳。一种暖气片用防皱晾衣架。国家实用新型专利,ZL2017207329 67.8
韩涛、肖波、詹习生。多智能体系统编队包含控制软件。国家软件著作权, 登记号: 2018SR674765 2018.8
韩涛、肖波、詹习生。一种异构多机器人系统有限时间编队控制软件。国家软件著作权, 登记号: 2018SR617055 2018.8
韩涛、肖波、詹习生。多机器人系统编队跟踪控制软件。国家软件著作权, 登记号: 2018SR678325。 2018.8
朱军、詹习生、高红亮、吴杰、万里光。一种验电式垂直导线接地线夹装置。国家实用新型专利,ZL201721830091.7 2018.6
[1] 詹习生、严怀成、张皓。通信受限下网络化动态系统性能分析与控制。湖北省自然科学奖,湖北省人民 政府,三等奖,2020.
[2] 朱汉平、吴建军、马学军、王银明、陈绮璋、詹习生、钱志、肖昊远。新型重载智能柔性输送系统的开 发及产业化。湖北科技进步奖,湖北省人民政府,二等奖,2017.
[3] 严怀成、刘明、詹习生、杨富文、张皓。不完全信息随机系统网络化控制及滤波理论与方法。上海市自 然科学奖,上海市人民政府,三等奖,2018.
[4] 詹习生, 吴杰; 江涛; 姜晓伟。基于数据丢包和信道噪声的网络化控制系统最优性能。湖北省第十六届自 然科学优秀学术成果,湖北省科协,二等奖,2016.
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29. 2014年指导本科生毕业论文《网络化系统建模与性能分析》获得湖北省优秀学士论文
30. 2012年获得湖北师范学院教学成果奖一等奖
31. 2013年获得湖北师范学院“优秀共产党员”称号
32. 2014年获得湖北省“高校系统践行群众路线好党员”称号
33. 2014年获得“湖北省黄石市第三届自然科学论文奖”一等奖。
34. 2014年获得“湖北省第十五届自然科学论文奖”二等奖
35. 2015年指导学生参加全国“飞思卡尔”智能车竞赛获得华南赛区三等奖
36. 2015年指导学生参加全国“机器人”竞赛获得全国三等奖
37. 2016年指导学生参加全国“西门子杯”中国智能制造挑战赛获华南赛区二等奖
38. 2017年指导学生参加全国“西门子杯”中国智能制造挑战赛获华南赛区三等奖
39. 2018年指导学生参加全国“西门子杯”中国智能制造挑战赛获华南赛区二等奖